In the news: Jonathan Lee speaks to Best Execution

The long and winding road of SFTR
There have been several twists and turns in the Securities Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR) journey but the finishing line is in sight. There are still kinks to be ironed out but the general view is that the legislation will see the light of the day next year.
A previous blog by Senior Regulatory Reporting Specialist, Jonathan Lee, has been featured in an article by Lynn Strongin Dodds at Best Execution. Jonathan highlights “there are still a few fundamental questions that need to be clarified in order to support a timely build for SFTR reporting.” He adds that there are also concerns about the availability of data for reporting and some confusion about the reporting of settlement fails. “The general consensus was that perfect settlement would be assumed unless both parties chose to modify a transaction to reflect a default or extended fail”.
Read the full article here.