Tim Hartley speaks to FOW on the UK EMIR Refit go-live

Kaizen’s EMIR Reporting Director Tim Hartley spoke to Luke Jeffs at FOW about UK EMIR Refit go-live, what lessons have been learned from the EU Refit and what’s next.
Tim told Luke that while some firms are fine-tuning their European reporting, many are also having to prepare for the UK version of the reporting rules that take effect on September 30
“There should be economies of scale for firms that have been through mill with EU Refit in their preparations for UK Refit. The validation rules are very similar and the joint Q&A from the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) do not contain any show-stoppers. There are things to be taken into account but there shouldn’t be a heavy impact on EU firms impacted by UK EMIR,.”
Read the article on FOW’s website.
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