Media release: Kaizen Reporting wins ‘Best Compliance Product – Regulatory Reporting’

London, Friday 6th November
Leading regulatory reporting firm Kaizen Reporting (Kaizen), has won ‘Best Compliance Product – Regulatory Reporting’ at the Buy-Side Technology Awards for its ReportShield™ Accuracy Testing service.
Hosted by WatersTechnology, the awards recognise leading technology firms for their innovation in addressing the various regulatory risks and challenges buy-side firms face on a daily basis, while also allowing them to maximise their operational efficacy. The awards were judged by five buy-side-focused technology consultants and four of WatersTechnology’s most experienced journalists.
Kaizen’s Accuracy Testing is part of the company’s ReportShield™ suite of services which help financial firms meet their reporting obligations and effectively manage their reporting risks. The service is tailored for reporting regimes including MiFID II, EMIR, Dodd-Frank, SFTR, ASIC, FinfraG and MAS. Accuracy Testing is unique in being able to fully assess the quality of the data that firms report to the regulator.
In addition to its ReportShield™ services, Kaizen recently launched its global Shareholding Disclosure Service, a fully automated system that removes the burden and complexity of shareholding disclosure monitoring and reporting.
“This year’s Buy-Side Technology Awards received just over 350 entries across the 35 categories on offer,” said Victor Anderson, global content director of WatersTechnology. “Kaizen Reporting stood out as the clear winner in the best buy-side compliance product – regulatory reporting category for its Accuracy Testing service, designed to allow buy-side firms to report their data accurately, and in doing so fulfil their regulatory reporting obligations.”
Dario Crispini, CEO of Kaizen, commented: “At Kaizen we have worked hard to help buy-side firms manage their reporting risk and ensuring that they have the accuracy and quality of data that the regulators have come to expect. It’s a great honour to have been recognised for this work and to have been selected as the ‘Best Compliance Product – Regulatory Reporting’ at Buy-Side Technology Awards.”
Dario continues, “We constantly strive to transform the quality of regulatory reporting data for all firms in financial services, adapting, enhancing and delivering new services to provide them with the best possible solutions when it comes to trade and transaction reporting and shareholding disclosure.”
Additional awards given to Kaizen Reporting over the past year include:
- Regulatory Solution of the Year – GIG Investment Excellence Awards 2020
- Best Transaction Reporting Solution (for MiFID II/ MiFIR/EMIR) – RegTech Insight Awards
- Best New Product: Regulatory Reporting – FOW International Awards
- Regulatory Reporting Product of the Year – Risk Markets Technology Awards 2020
- RegTech 100 Company – RegTech100 2020
- Regtech Award for Data Assurance – Regulation Asia Awards for Excellence
For more information, please contact James Dunseath, on +44 (0) 203 912 3271 or