Hong Kong Monetary Authority Reporting

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) implemented the Securities and Futures (OTC Derivative Transactions – Reporting and Record Keeping Obligations) Rules as part of Hong Kong’s response to the G20 agreement to mandate reporting of all OTC derivatives.

What is HKMA Reporting?

The rules for reporting of OTC derivatives in Hong Kong are jointly governed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC).

Under this framework, the HKMA was mandated with establishing the Hong Kong Trade Repository (HKTR) and reporting commenced in 2015.

Similarly to most other G20 OTC derivatives reporting regimes, the reporting covers the credit, equity, FX, interest rates and commodities asset classes.

The HKMA regime prescribes the following entity types as being required to report:

  • Authorised Institutions
  • Approved Money Brokers
  • Licensed Corporations
  • Central Clearing Counterparties.

Following consultation, HKMA is implementing its own rewrite of the Hong Kong reporting rules, due to commence in 2024 (exact date TBD), but largely expected to align with or follow the commencement dates of the ASIC and MAS rewrites (October 2024).

How we can help

Our ReportShield™ quality assurance services give you the ability to demonstrate appropriate controls over your reporting obligations for HKMA. We can also conduct cross-regulation testing to ensure consistency with other regimes and provide remediation of reports.

Accuracy Testing

The testing gold standard, providing the maximum level of protection against regulatory challenge. Learn more

Advanced Regulatory Reconciliation

Our end-to-end reconciliation service tests for the completeness of regulatory reporting. Learn more

Control Framework

Together with data quality, a robust control framework is a key expectation of regulators. Learn more

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