Jonathan LeeMoney Markets Reporting Director
Jonathan is a renowned expert in the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) and spearheads Kaizen’s SFTR quality assurance services.
An specialist in a number of regulatory regimes in the transaction reporting, trade reporting, liquidity reporting and prudential supervisory space, Jonathan has more than 20 years of front-to-back investment banking experience including 11 years at JP Morgan. There, Jonathan’s focus was on the emergence of new regulations covering securities financing, money market reporting and collateral reuse. He worked closely with the Financial Stability Board, ESMA, ECB and Bank of England and has been at the forefront of educational and advocacy efforts for the SFTR reporting regime. Jonathan is a former chair of both the ICMA ERCC SFTR Taskforce and the AFME Primary Dealers Reporting group.
Jonathan has also developed and delivers our SFTR Reporting Core Training courses.